Despite my seemingly "ready to argue" demeanor, when I seek knowledge, I ask a question. Simple? Not really. I've found most replies are either merely meant in humor or, what we from the old days of the internet used to call, a flame. If your only intention in life is to belittle other people then, of course, you will be ignored. I could argue with you, thus playing your game, until the day I day. But I believe in evolving. Running in circles gets no one anywhere.
That being said I ask this to those who are vehemently against a Mosque being built near the site of the 9/11 attacks; why not? Please keep in mind that screaming, "9/11" is not a viable answer. Especially not "because they are's THEM, not US." Feeble, weak and ignorant are those replies. Truly, you are living in a fantasy world. By your reasoning, there should be NO Christian organizations erected anywhere near a crime committed in the name of The Bible by Christian extremists. Thus, you wouldn't find ANYTHING Christian ANYWHERE in this country.
You seem to always be the loudest (if not most belligerent) to holler, "Uh-Mer-Ick-Uh", yet you have no understanding of what it means to truly be an American (or, as I prefer, a U.S. citizen...after all, "Americans" stretch from the Arctic to Antarctica). You scream 'freedom', but only when it applies to you.
Please, I'm begging for a legitimate answer. For the life of me, I can come up with no reason the nation of Islam should NOT do this. In fact, when I first heard of it I thought it was a brilliant and beautiful idea. Muslims were the first to denounce the extremists who caused this horrific incident. Why can't true Christians do the same to THEIR OWN extremists? Why can't we all live and learn alongside each other? At it's basest form, THAT is what religion is all about.
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