As most people know, our government has forced the world to react violently toward a plant. Luckily, this is changing.
Being a MMJ patient, I am able to travel with my medication. As long as where I'm going to has legal marijuana. If I have a layover in a state where it is still a crime to pick a plant and use it, my only requirement is to remain within the airport. Of course, I need all my paperwork with me and be discreet about it.
Usually, from Seattle to Mexico, we have a layover in Los Angeles; however, this trip, we have a layover in Houston. TEXAS of all places. Being the only blue dot in Bush Country I fear sticking out like a sore thumb regardless. Let alone being a skunky smelling queen. Not to mention; I FUCKING HATE CHUCK NORRIS!
In any case, our country has programmed people (especially law enforcement) to shoot first, ask questions later when it comes to Cannabis (seriously, Nixon said it). But they can no longer do that and, for the most part, law enforcement doesn't know what to do since it was so easy before; either beat them up or pull the trigger. That is why it's SO important for the MMJ patient to be knowledgeable about the law.
Having to discuss things with cops can be daunting. But they listen. I've never met a Texan who listened to ANYBODY. I'll let you know how it goes.
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