Friday, October 01, 2010

You Learn Something New Every Day

As most people know, our government has forced the world to react violently toward a plant.  Luckily, this is changing.

Being a MMJ patient, I am able to travel with my medication.  As long as where I'm going to has legal marijuana.  If I have a layover in a state where it is still a crime to pick a plant and use it, my only requirement is to remain within the airport.  Of course, I need all my paperwork with me and be discreet about it.

Usually, from Seattle to Mexico, we have a layover in Los Angeles; however, this trip, we have a layover in Houston.  TEXAS of all places.  Being the only blue dot in Bush Country I fear sticking out like a sore thumb regardless.  Let alone being a skunky smelling queen.  Not to mention; I FUCKING HATE CHUCK NORRIS!

In any case, our country has programmed people (especially law enforcement) to shoot first, ask questions later when it comes to Cannabis (seriously, Nixon said it).  But they can no longer do that and, for the most part, law enforcement doesn't know what to do since it was so easy before; either beat them up or pull the trigger.  That is why it's SO important for the MMJ patient to be knowledgeable about the law.

Having to discuss things with cops can be daunting.  But they listen.  I've never met a Texan who listened to ANYBODY.  I'll let you know how it goes. 

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Growth, Part 1

We learn from many different directions.  It is our choice in which direction we grow.

I choose freedom, reality and hope.  Let's enjoy the beauty of today, master being a successful soul and  dream on the promise of tomorrow.

We've attained leaves but still too early to sex.  One plant.  The tree of knowledge.  Time will tell, but truth never obliterated.


Well, I have my Washington State License for Medical Marijuana (MMJ).  I have moved from being a criminal smoker to becoming a MMJ Advocate.  There is not only a feeling but also a responsibility that comes with this.  I am operating within my state law (GOD BLESS US LIBERALS!!) and as such as an American citizen.

I've said this before and somehow need constantly reiterate, nothing is accomplished from hiding behind closet doors.  If I need to explain the metaphor then you are on the wrong site.

In Washington State I am allowed to grow 15 plants (in both the vegetative and flowering states) as well as possess 24 oz. of dried, cured and usable MMJ.

My postings are about freedom.  They are about what exactly I'm allowed to do within the measure of the law.  If you choose to remain ignorant and not take advantage of the rights given to you then do NOT complain or consider me "stupid" for doing what I am doing.  MY goal is to help others.  And those living the criminal element will never be able to.

This is MY experience.  If it is able to help ONE other person then I will have succeeded.

Given my new legal status, I found a seed.  Let's hope it's a girl! XD  This was at night under black light, one day after sprouting and transplanting to a peat pellet.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Being Legal!

Anyone who's never had to live under the radar for anything, has no idea how liberating it is to be able to just be myself. Legally. I don't have to hide or feel like a second class (or, more accurately, steerage) citizen. This is true for so many aspects of my life but I've, at least, conquered one of them.

To anyone afraid of "having their name on government records" or doesn't feel there's a need (yet you're a user) or just goes along with what everyone else tells you (usually only with their own interests at heart) or if you're just plain apathetic; bullshit. You're only making excuses to not only keep yourself down, but are NOT a voice for change. Which begs the question; what interest do YOU have in Cannabis being illegal? You must have a reason, otherwise you're just deluding yourself in a self-deprecating way.

A whole new world opened up for me. I no longer, out of fear, have to feign support for the Nancy Reagans or Dick Nixons of the world. As my doctor said, 'This is an effective medicine, don't let anyone tell you otherwise.'

The doctors will work with you. If you, for some reason, don't qualify (per the law), no reputable doctor will charge you for the consultation. They should be helpful (let THEM talk, they will guide you in the right direction), personable (friendly and, realizing the benefits, have YOUR best interest at heart). Dr. Fellice at Cascadia Natural Health in Woodinville (right off 522) was extremely competent and up to date on his knowledge and legal respectability.

*sigh* My only conquest now is to be able to file income taxes as "Married". But I seriously doubt I'll EVER see that in my lifetime. Before you make any dumb jokes, I ask all my married straight friends to do a comparison this year before filing taxes; create one record of what would be like if you both were filing as single, then one jointly. WOW! Look at all that fucking money you saved by merely being MARRIED! Now add all your dependents and assets. HOLY CRAP! Yeah, I can't, um, do that. In the eyes of the federal government I'm "single". Despite the fact that I live in WA (where we have "all" the same rights...yeah, "rights" come at a federal level...don't fool yourselves), despite the fact that our Bill of Rights CLEARLY states 'Equal rights for all'...see the quandary of both marijuana AND gay rights? Do you see why 'Let the states decide' is NOT a viable option? If the federal government instigates that the individual states get to set precedents on an issue, then it needs to be FEDERALLY recognized. That is my standpoint and where I come from on both issues. As of today, I am no longer steerage that goes down with the ship. If my boyfriend ever grows a set, I will gladly make a case out of filing jointly. I've been smoking and making it known for years, damn the consequences. It's what's CORRECT! WA is a PROUD LIBERAL state. Therefore, using Right Wing (i.e.; conservative, resistant to change) rhetoric, 'If You Don't Like It...Leave It'. Go to Texas, they'll welcome you with the same beliefs. WA is known for it's great buds and it's great fags. Let's keep it that way.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Being Legal: The Process

As with all visits to new doctors, they were needing to request my medical records from my MD (the doctor I was referred to, logically, is an ND).  Although, in this instance, there are specific state mandated requirements that must be in a patient's records, within the past 2 years, prior to the prescription of Cannabis.  These requirements vary from state to state but, basically, any problem you have that Marijuana helps is pretty much accepted.

First and foremost, before doing anything that is federally illegal, although it may be perfectly acceptable where you live, is realize the prospective consequences.  My disheartening over other people's ignorance has led me from a struggle to a fight.  I use the same way others use aspirin when they have pain, the same way some people need coffee before functioning in the morning, some seek external inspiration; I use to help find the inspiration inside.  And my way is KNOWN to be the safest of all.  If your only side effect to the medication is getting high than so what?  You can't'll only end up feeling better!

I'm a fervent advocate for individual choice.  As long as my, nor anyone elses, choices cause harm, what is it to ANYONE what I do?  If you don't want to be around Cannabis, then don't.

This is why I make my voice heard.  I am tired of being told what to do and what to believe and what to say and, most importantly, how to be.  Change only occurs when people raise their voices.  And, regardless of the cause, it doesn't only have to be  people who use (or are gay or a different religion or race than you...ANY injustice need the full support of everyone who sees the need for freedom of all).  Remember, the only people who benefit from no change are those counting on things being oppressed for their own personal interests.  Come on, people!  WAKE UP!  41 years ago the drag queens had enough and fought back outside of Stonewall Tavern in NYC.  And we still can't federally get married.  36 (or so) years ago it was recommended by Nixon's own council to legalize pot.  He, of course, had his own agenda and big business to help out.  That is why, to this day, prisons are overcrowded (and room is made for) marijuana offenses.  Seriously?  It's a worse offense to smoke weed than to rape, murder or even rob someone?  We already know that nearly everyone has at least tried it.  We know that some of the best bud in the world is grown right here.  Who grows it?  Who smokes it?  Yep, your friends and neighbors.  It's time for us to rip out our grow lights, smoke a bowl, say 'We're not going to take this shit anymore', and plant a seed everywhere!

*stepping off my soap box and going back to the topic at hand*

Second, find a doctor you get good vibes about.  When I spoke with Cascade Natural Health's office, they were not only prompt at returning my call but incredibly friendly, explained the process and immediately sent me a release of information form for my doctor.  All I had to do was fill it out and send it back.  They took care of the rest.

Last Thursday they received my medical records from my primary doctor and I have an appointment this Wednesday at 11:30.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

My Quest to Living a Legal Life Part 1

For years I have experimented on my body.  I was one of the lucky ones who refuse to believe everything they are told to believe.  Whenever there is a contradiction, I will explore.

Thus is the case with Cannabis.  From the age of 12 I suffered from migraines.  Back then it just meant time off from school and a dark room with silence.  At 15, at the same time I was diagnosed with depression, I was introduced to Marijuana (as most teenagers are).  Mind you, this was during the time of Nancy Reagan's "Just Say No" campaign and everyone was frothing at the mouth to convict someone.  All "Drug Awareness Education" was based on this model.

Marijuana was NOTHING they said it was.  In fact, it made me feel a helluva lot better.  And not just while "high".  I noticed I no longer experienced intense migraines.  I was better able to function in social situations (my earliest memories are of social anxiety).   From that moment on I learned that one must discern for themselves reality from fiction.

Although, due to social and political pressure, stopped using the herb (intermittently).

That is how I've spent my life.  In my early 30's I was in a car accident that even my doctor at the time didn't believe until I showed him the Police Report.  And everything I said, he counteracted as "imaginary".  That has been what I'd gotten all my life everytime I expressed a concern to a doctor.  But they've, nevertheless, been more than willing to give me a pill for it.  All of which with side effects as bad or exacerbating the  original problem.  I was discouraged with traditional medicine.  At a time when I needed, at the very least, real advise.  I began making strides, once again and on my own, with Marijuana.

That is, until I was having, once again, problems with social anxiety (which the accident had made out of control).  At this time someone suggested I tried something they had to get me through the night at a party.  I did and spent the next 3 years addicted to Meth.  It helped with all my pain and social dilemmas.  The side effects, however, were far worse than anything it helped.  So began my 2 month ordeal with me on the couch.  Coming out of my addiction I'd sought a spiritual connection to the rest of the world.  Strangely (so, I thought) this led me once again to Marijuana.  Using it and analyzing the various responses (especially in relation to various strains) I SAW the benefits this was doing for me.  WHY on earth are people not allowed to learn the truth?  WHY are people so resistant?

After Meth I was put on Effexor (after all other anti-depressants failed to work).  Once again, the side effects put into question the very use of the drug.  But it (sort of) helps.  Although, it helps only because it (sort of) makes me feel like I'm on Meth only without the twitchy-ness.  And trust me, going off of it is just as painful.

So here we are at day one of beginning my quest for living the life I should have every right to live.  Oh, well, I'm willing to jump through the hoops to just be left alone.  After speaking with Angel Kare Alliance at this years HempFest, I've contacted the doctor they referred me to (to see if I'm an "acceptable candidate" for a license to  be granted the right to use Marijuana).  We will see where this goes...

Sunday, August 22, 2010


Don't you just love all the anti-gay freaks who use their children to hold up the "God Hates Fags" signs. I'm sure these same people would have no problem using their children as a human shield.  It's a ridiculous image (as if the sound of screaming children isn't grating enough); little kids protesting something they know nothing about.  Many I've seen can't even READ.  How the hell (no pun intended) do they know what the Bible says (or Torah or Koran)?  Red faced, frothing at the mouth, screaming hateful epithets in your face, and often time throwing things at you.  Yet I'M the one who would get arrested for kicking their parents' ass.  I say, if you're old enough to know what the fuck you're saying to and about me, then you're old enough to take my foot in your face.

Regardless, these kids end up dead in the end. Either they become hate mongers who piss off the wrong queer (like me) or they are one, considering suicide a better option (because that's what they're taught by their ever so loving Christian family).


For most, the very word alone conjures up images of "Evil Drug Lords" and "Crazed People Stoned Outta Their Fucking Minds".  Where did the "reality" in these images come from?  At the risk of sounding like a patented member of the "Aluminum Foil Hat Club" the truth is simply this; the "reality" you know was concocted by not just the government but corporations with VERY special interests.

Why else would something that could solve many of the big issues facing us today NOT be utilized?  Because there is no "big money" in sustainability or natural substances.  That's all it boils down to.  It's plain.  It's simple.

'But what about all the crazy dope fiends?', you might say?  Well, think of the places you've heard about people going insane on Mary Jane.  From the very beginning (roughly the 1930's), all propaganda had been delivered so lovingly by Hearst Publications (gotta love Yellow Journalism).  Funny how "they" call it 'Liberal Media' when it's anything but.  William Randolph Hearst was the Rupert Murdock of his day.  Listen next time you hear of a marijuana bust to the carefully chosen negative adjectives used in connection to both the plant and those being busted.
The reality, however, is quite another story.  If you don't believe me, go to a Hempfest in your area (or come to Seattle some year), travel to Amsterdam and hang out at a coffee shop.  Why don't fights break out?  Why is no one running around freaking out?  Why do the cops and stoners walk around smiling and saying hello to one another?  Why has no one ever died in these places where the 'oh, so dangerous Marijuana' is quite abundant?  And if it makes a person completely lazy and melt into a couch, why are so many people up dancing or walking for miles?

The questions are rhetorical.  Anyone with half a brain can figure out the 'why's'.  But that's just referring to the "high" from Cannabis.  You know, the part that alleviates pain, anxiety, depression, nausea, Alzheimers,  carcinogens, etc. etc. etc. etc. etc.

You might be saying, 'But I've tried weed and it [insert your bad experience here] so [insert your reason why it's bad here].'  The problem with this argument is the answer is the same as the argument that 'Marijuana creates gang violence'.  Illegality.  You need to know what KIND you're smoking (or eating).  There are different strains for different people/conditions.  True, some weed makes me feel icky (or does absolutely nothing).  Unless you are getting it from an honest dealer and/or grower with integrity, you will NEVER know what you're getting.  For all you know it could be laced.  Even if it isn't laced, many growers have less than desirable  standards (using pesticides, etc.) and will sell crap to you just to make a quick buck.  Would this happen if you had the opportunity to ask questions and "shop around" before you bought?  Doubtful.  You would also be given the proper information on what strain would be best for you and could sample various ones.  Legalization would not only take it out of the hands of gangs (remember how Al Capone came to power...alcohol prohibition) it would also make a better informed buyer.

When they speak of 'Marijuana Culture', although usually said with a sneer on their faces, they are referring not to the gangs but to those of us with integrity.  Those of us who realize the value of this plant and want to create a better world with its use and understand it better in order to achieve this goal.

But I'm sure those of you who don't ever need "medicine" (aspirin, cold medications, decongestants, or pills of any sort) are asking, "What can it do for ME?  What do I care if it's illegal?"  Well, for starters, it can make our planet green.  The fibers alone can create a plethora of goods (clothing, paper, rope, plywood, shells for autos, etc. etc. etc.).  And one acre of Cannabis can save an entire forest.  And the growing season is a few months as opposed to YEARS.  Furthermore, the oils from the plant contain nearly every essential oil we need to survive and be healthy (and no, you won't get high from it).  It can be processed into a clean burning fuel.

This is just a limited explanation of the many things it can do.  Truly, if you are interested you will already know all this anyway.  Unfortunately, there are many who refuse to believe the truth before them and continue to pander to the lies because they want to remain ignorant.  As in much of life, these people are happier living in the lies created for them.  They don't have to think.  It's one thing to be ignorant and choose to educate yourself.  That requires intelligence.  Stupid people are the ones who choose to REMAIN ignorant.

The true crime is that Marijuana is illegal.  It is the only thing that makes me a criminal.  But really, is it a crime to fight crime?

Thursday, August 19, 2010

What's the big deal?

Despite my seemingly "ready to argue" demeanor, when I seek knowledge, I ask a question.  Simple?  Not really.  I've found most replies are either merely meant in humor or, what we from the old days of the internet used to call, a flame.  If your only intention in life is to belittle other people then, of course, you will be ignored.  I could argue with you, thus playing your game, until the day I day.  But I believe in evolving.  Running in circles gets no one anywhere.

That being said I ask this to those who are vehemently against a Mosque being built near the site of the 9/11 attacks; why not?  Please keep in mind that screaming, "9/11" is not a viable answer.  Especially not "because they are's THEM, not US."  Feeble, weak and ignorant are those replies.  Truly, you are living in a fantasy world.  By your reasoning, there should be NO Christian organizations erected anywhere near a crime committed in the name of The Bible by Christian extremists.  Thus, you wouldn't find ANYTHING Christian ANYWHERE in this country.

You seem to always be the loudest (if not most belligerent)  to holler, "Uh-Mer-Ick-Uh", yet you have no understanding of what it means to truly be an American (or, as I prefer, a U.S. citizen...after all, "Americans" stretch from the Arctic to Antarctica).  You scream 'freedom', but only when it applies to you.

Please, I'm begging for a legitimate answer.  For the life of me, I can come up with no reason the nation of Islam should NOT do this.  In fact, when I first heard of it I thought it was a brilliant and beautiful idea.  Muslims were the first to denounce the extremists who caused this horrific incident.  Why can't true Christians do the same to THEIR OWN extremists?  Why can't we all live and learn alongside each other?  At it's basest form, THAT is what religion is all about.