Thursday, September 16, 2010

Being Legal!

Anyone who's never had to live under the radar for anything, has no idea how liberating it is to be able to just be myself. Legally. I don't have to hide or feel like a second class (or, more accurately, steerage) citizen. This is true for so many aspects of my life but I've, at least, conquered one of them.

To anyone afraid of "having their name on government records" or doesn't feel there's a need (yet you're a user) or just goes along with what everyone else tells you (usually only with their own interests at heart) or if you're just plain apathetic; bullshit. You're only making excuses to not only keep yourself down, but are NOT a voice for change. Which begs the question; what interest do YOU have in Cannabis being illegal? You must have a reason, otherwise you're just deluding yourself in a self-deprecating way.

A whole new world opened up for me. I no longer, out of fear, have to feign support for the Nancy Reagans or Dick Nixons of the world. As my doctor said, 'This is an effective medicine, don't let anyone tell you otherwise.'

The doctors will work with you. If you, for some reason, don't qualify (per the law), no reputable doctor will charge you for the consultation. They should be helpful (let THEM talk, they will guide you in the right direction), personable (friendly and, realizing the benefits, have YOUR best interest at heart). Dr. Fellice at Cascadia Natural Health in Woodinville (right off 522) was extremely competent and up to date on his knowledge and legal respectability.

*sigh* My only conquest now is to be able to file income taxes as "Married". But I seriously doubt I'll EVER see that in my lifetime. Before you make any dumb jokes, I ask all my married straight friends to do a comparison this year before filing taxes; create one record of what would be like if you both were filing as single, then one jointly. WOW! Look at all that fucking money you saved by merely being MARRIED! Now add all your dependents and assets. HOLY CRAP! Yeah, I can't, um, do that. In the eyes of the federal government I'm "single". Despite the fact that I live in WA (where we have "all" the same rights...yeah, "rights" come at a federal level...don't fool yourselves), despite the fact that our Bill of Rights CLEARLY states 'Equal rights for all'...see the quandary of both marijuana AND gay rights? Do you see why 'Let the states decide' is NOT a viable option? If the federal government instigates that the individual states get to set precedents on an issue, then it needs to be FEDERALLY recognized. That is my standpoint and where I come from on both issues. As of today, I am no longer steerage that goes down with the ship. If my boyfriend ever grows a set, I will gladly make a case out of filing jointly. I've been smoking and making it known for years, damn the consequences. It's what's CORRECT! WA is a PROUD LIBERAL state. Therefore, using Right Wing (i.e.; conservative, resistant to change) rhetoric, 'If You Don't Like It...Leave It'. Go to Texas, they'll welcome you with the same beliefs. WA is known for it's great buds and it's great fags. Let's keep it that way.

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